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How to Grow Fennel Root

The bulb of a fennel plant, commonly called fennel root, has many uses. Fennel extract is used in cough drops, teas and even laxatives. Cooked, whole fennel root is considered a delicacy in French and Italian cuisine. Fennel plants require minimal care and can reach maturity in just one growing season. Few pests target fennel plants; those that do can generally be removed by hand and without pesticides.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening gloves
  • Aerated soil
  • Phosphorus- and nitrogen-rich fertilizer
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      Select an appropriate area to plant fennel during mid-summer. Fennel grows best in well-drained soil with minimal shade. Till the soil 12 inches deep to provide a loose growing environment for the fennel roots.

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      Sprinkle fennel seeds on top of the tilled soil and lightly cover them with 1/4-inch of soil. Place the seeds several inches apart.

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      Water the seeds daily. Use enough water so that the soil is moist to the touch without creating puddles.

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      Watch the area carefully. As the fennel plants grow, remove seed stalks to prevent the plants from propagating on their own. Continue to water the plants daily.

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      Apply a phosphorus- and nitrogen-rich fertilizer to the plants about eight weeks after planting. Follow the fertilizer manufacturer's instructions for the best results.

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      Check the growth of your fennel plant frequently. When the stalk's diameter is greater than 3 inches, it is ready for harvest.