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Grapevine Pests & Their Management

Grapevines are popular plants for arbors, pergolas and home gardening. They provide shade and, when the pests that plague them don't steal the crop, much delicious fruit in late summer. Dealing with grapevine pests can be a frustrating ordeal for any vineyard or backyard vine. There are several broad types of grapevine pests, and each have their own best practices for management.
  1. Birds

    • Birds can be a serious threat to grape crops. Sparrows, starlings and blackbirds are common vineyard pests. For large vineyards, you can erect scarecrows to help dissuade birds from feasting on your crop. For backyard vines, you can drape bird netting over the vine, pergola or arbor to prevent birds gaining access to the fruit.

    Squirrels and Other Small Rodents

    • Mice, squirrels and other rodents will also frequently cause crop damage and loss. You can control mice and rats by keeping grass around the vine cut below 1/2 inch, as they prefer cover when moving in the open. You can poison or trap squirrels and gophers to reduce numbers. Consult your local department of environmental protection for regional laws and regulations regarding such practices.

    Raccoons and Opossums

    • Raccoons and opossums are frequent thieves of grape clusters. Their access to your grapes can be minimized by training your vine up onto a pergola, or raised trellis, and well off the ground. Minimizing overhanging tree limbs or branches can help reduce their access to your vine and, if all else fails, trapping and poisoning is an option. Consult your local authorities to ascertain the legal method of handling these pests in your area.


    • Deer can eat many pounds of fruit in a single visit to your vine. The only viable method to keep them away from your vines is to grown the vines on a structure well out of the deer's reach, meaning at least 6 feet from the ground. Additionally, deer fencing and chemical repellent, sold in most hardware stores, can help reduce the number of animals that gain access to your growing area.

    Insects and other Invertebrates

    • Insects can also be damaging to crop yields for grapevines. Following an insecticide or pesticide regimen intended for the particular grape cultivar you have grown and your region is key to minimizing their impact on your vines. Consult your local university extension for more information on regionally specific invertebrate pests, the most common being aphids and grape leaf skeletonizers, which are typically controlled using a carbaryl insecticide.