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How to Improve the Color of Crimson Seedless

Crimson seedless grapes are grown as an edible grape, rather than for wine or other beverage production. One problem with this type of grape is the tendency for the color to be poor. Since visual clues have an impact on consumer purchasing decisions, it is important to find ways to solve, or at least reduce, this coloration problem. Recent studies have demonstrated that there are steps you can take.


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      Gird the vine trunk when you set the plant. This requires removing a ring of bark around the plant.

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      Gird the vine later when the fruit ripens. This approach, rather than girding early, seems to have the most effect on the color quality of the fruit.

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      Apply a treatment of Ethephon to the plants just when the fruit starts to ripen. This will have the effect of speeding up the ripening process, which in turn improves the color.