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How to Fertilize a New Muscadine Plant

Muscadine grapes, native to the southeastern United States, have a thicker skin and grow in smaller clusters than other cultivated grapes. Color and flavor depends on the varieties, with both bronze and purple-black types available to the home gardener. You can use Muscadines as a table grape, in jams or jellies, or for wine making. With proper fertilization and soil nutrition, the vines remain healthy and productive, supplying a bountiful crop on their fruiting vines each year.

Things You'll Need

  • 10-10-10 fertilizer
  • 21-0-0 fertilizer
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      Sprinkle 1 cup of a 10-10-10 (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) blend fertilizer in a circle around the newly planted Muscadine vine. Sprinkle in a 2-foot diameter circle so the fertilizer doesn't come in direct contact with the vine.

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      Water the soil immediately following fertilization. The water dilutes the fertilizer it to seep into the root zone of the plant.

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      Fertilize again in late May and early July of the first year after planting. Apply 2 oz. of an ammonium-nitrate fertilizer, such as 21-0-0 blend, using the same method for application as used with the initial fertilization.

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      Fertilize Muscadines the second year in early spring as new growth begins, in late May and in early July. Apply double the rate of fertilizer at each application, sprinkling it in a 4-foot diameter circle around each vine.

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      Sprinkle 2 lbs. of 10-10-10 fertilizer in a 6-foot circle around each muscadine in March of the third year after planting. Apply another pound in May.

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      Increase the amount of fertilizer to 3 lbs. in March for plants older than three years. Also apply 1/2 lb. of 21-0-0 fertilizer each June for established four year and older plants.