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How to Cut Muscadines

Muscadines are a species of grape vine that is native to the southern United States. The grapes come in either black or bronze varieties used in jellies, wines or eaten alone. Muscadines require annual cutting to remove some of the shoots, which promotes additional fruit development. During the pruning process, the stems of the muscadine vine may ooze sap. However, the oozing eventually stops on its own.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruners
  • Pruning saw
  • Cloth
  • Alcohol
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    • 1

      Wait until the late winter, preferably late January or early February, to cut back the muscadine vines. Cutting may also occur in the fall after all leaves and stems turn brown.

    • 2

      Look at the lowest horizontal limb, called a cordon, and locate the small shoots that grow up from it. Start at the end of the limbs closest to the trunk and measure out 6 inches. Cut off any shoots that emerge prior to this length using hand pruners. Repeat the process along the entire limb leaving shoots only every 6 inches.

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      Examine each of the remaining shoots on the limb carefully and locate the small rice-sized buds on them. Count up two to four buds from the base of the shoots and cut the remainder off using hand pruners.

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      Repeat the pruning process on each remaining horizontal limb using the same technique.

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      Look at the base of the muscadine's main vertical trunk. Locate any small shoots or suckers that emerge from the ground up to the lowest horizontal limb. Cut all of these shoots off flush with the trunk using the hand pruners. If there are multiple vertical trunks, prune off one or two a year at ground level until you have only one. A pruning saw is best for cutting off the main trunks.

    • 6

      Examine the bark of all remaining portions of the muscadine vine and locate any that are black or have visible mold or mildew on it. Cut all of these stems back to healthy wood, which appears white. Dispose of the cut portions in the trash.