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Canopy Management for Vigorously Growing Grape Vines

Proper pruning of the grape vine produces a balanced growth that provides adequate buds for growth of grape clusters while limiting the canopy to allow penetration of sunlight. Vigorous vine growth is a sign of excessive canopy growth, which, in turn, limits the grape cluster production. Pruning to maintain the proper canopy becomes crucial as the vine matures and begins to produce fruit.
  1. Buds

    • Grape clusters form on the new year’s growth. The new shoots form from buds on the previous year’s stems. The canopy of leaves over the vine also forms from these buds. By limiting the number of buds, the gardener controls the level of grape production and the leaf canopy. Many gardeners count the number of buds and prune the vine to a set number of buds dependent on the grape variety.

    Dormant Pruning

    • Vines and buds are usually pruned during the dormant period. Most varieties of grapes respond to a formula suggesting the number of buds to leave in place during the dormant pruning process based on the weight of the previous season’s stem growth. Once the pruning points are determined, use a sharp pruning tool to cut the branches at the first bud or nodule beyond the last one you wish to retain.

    Leaf Removal

    • Dense canopies reduce the amount of sunlight and air circulation reaching the grape clusters. This slows maturity and can cause fungus problems. Remove individual leaves from the canopy to allow better circulation. Physically pull the leaves from the plant shortly after the grape clusters form. Some gardeners leave the canopy thicker as protection from hail.

    Vigor Diversion

    • Another option to reduce excessive canopy growth in highly vigorous grape vines is to allow a “diversion cane” to remain in place during the dormant pruning cycle. This cane or vine is then trimmed and removed after the fruit clusters set, thereby removing a portion of the canopy with one quick cut. This process may be more efficient than removing individual leaves in large scale operations.