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How to Water Grape Vines

Grapevines are deep rooting plants, making sprinkler watering a very inefficient way to water the vines. Mulching will help keep the roots cool and moist, which will reduce watering needs. If you have rows and rows of grapevines to water, you will probably want to consider installing a drip watering system, to make deep watering less laborious.


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      Water the grapevines every week during the growing season. If at least 1 inch of rain falls during the week, skip watering until the following week. Young grapevines require more water than mature vines.

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      Water the grapevines in the morning. If you water during the late afternoon the damp soil and plants are more susceptible to mildew and fungal diseases.

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      Deep water the grapevines. You want the soil to be moist but not soggy. The time required for watering depends on the age of the vines, climate and soil conditions. Consult with your local gardening center on suggestions for the length of time for each watering session.

