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Zinc Chelate Fertilizers for Grapevines

Zinc is a micronutrient present in enzymes that plants use for growth. Zinc deficiency appears as different symptoms. Corn, for instance, develops stripes on its leaves, and the bottom foliage on bean plants becomes yellow. On grapes, lack of adequate amounts of zinc leads to decreased fruiting, distorted and smaller leaves and chlorosis (yellowing). Applying a zinc fertilizer to your grapevine resolves these problems. Chelated zinc means the mineral is bound to another substance.
  1. Nutri-PlexTM ZincChelate 10%

    • Nutri-PlexTM ZincChelate 10% is manufactured by Northwest Agricultural Products. It provides 10 percent zinc bound to citric acid and to the compound EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid). This fertilizer is also 1 percent sulfur and it can be used in combination with other fertilizers and pesticides. Grapevines absorb this product through their foliage and roots. This product may cause nose, throat and skin irritation.

    First Choice 9.0% Zinc Chelate Solution (EDTA)

    • First Choice 9.0% Zinc Chelate Solution (EDTA) is 9 percent nitrogen and 9 percent zinc bound to EDTA. This product is for soil application for root absorption and for use as a foliar spray, a method that delivers zinc quickly to the grapevine, the manufacturer says. To amend the soil in vineyards, use it at the rate of 2 to 4 quarts of fertilizer per planted acre. As a spray, this product is for diluted application. The foliage must be wet, and the vines shouldn't be in bloom. The dilution rate is 1 quart of fertilizer per 100 gallons of water. Chemicals in this formula are linked to cancer and birth defects.

    Zinc Chelate 5%

    • Zinc Chelate 5% is a water-soluble formula of carbohydrates and 5 percent zinc bound to amino acids. According to the manufacturer, this combination makes it easy for plants, such as grapevines, to absorb zinc quickly through the roots and leaves. In addition, the product label indicates that Zinc Chelate 5% helps calcium circulate through the plant, activates enzymes and creates uniform seeds.

    Zinc Chelate-"Release Zn(ZnEDTA )"

    • Zinc Chelate-"Release Zn(ZnEDTA )" is 12 percent zinc bound to EDTA. The manufacturer recommends spraying it at the rate of 3 ½ ounces of fertilizer per 26 gallons of water. This product is also for use as a soil amendment through a drip irrigation system. Zinc Chelate-"Release Zn(ZnEDTA )" is effective when used in cool weather early in the morning or in the late afternoon. If it rains within four hours of application, the product loses some of its effectiveness, and reapplication becomes necessary.