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Proper Care of Grape Vines

Grapes, part of a healthy diet featuring a range of fruits and vegetables, may also be used in jellies, jams, juices and wine. Caring for grapevines properly is important to produce fruit that is ripe with flavor and free of pests and disease.
  1. Growth and Care

    • Grapevines need regular watering in the beginning to establish the vine. After that, maintain moisture by watering according to the soil, weather conditions and grape variety. Fertilize them sparingly and avoid using mulch, which has been shown to delay the fruit.

    Pruning and Training

    • The most important aspect of caring for a grapevine is properly pruning and training the vines. Vines should be pruned when they are dormant, when 90 percent of the previous season's growth should be removed. Grapevines may be trained using trellises, arbors, walls or fences.


    • Grapes are best harvested when the fruit on the vine reaches the proper maturity---when their sugar content is approximately 20 percent. Taste may be the best measure ripeness.

    Diseases and Pests

    • Phylloxera, an aphid-like insect that attacks the roots, can kill grapevines. Birds also threaten the vines, which can be protected using netting. Common powdery mildew and bunch rot are two diseases of concern.