Home Garden

How Do I Make a Grape Trellis?

Grape crops are well suited to the home garden. When properly trellised, they take up little room and can even be planted along property lines. Grapes grow on vine-like shrubs. Without support, the vines fall over and become prone to breakage and damage from insects. Erecting a trellis doesn't guarantee the vines get the support they need; they must also be trained to grow along the trellis properly with tying and pruning. Expensive trellis systems are available for grapes, but homemade trellises work just as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Wooden posts
  • Wire
  • Wire clamps
  • Stake
  • Plant ties
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    • 1

      Install an 8-foot tall, 6-inch diameter fence post on either end of the grape row, placing them no more than 18 feet apart. Drive the posts at least 24 inches into the soil so they do not fall over under the weight of the grapes. Lean the posts at a slight angle out from the ends of the row.

    • 2

      Wrap one end of a 12-gauge wire around the top of an end post. Secure the wire tightly to the post with a wire clamp. String the wire to the opposite post, and attach it to the top with a wire clamp.

    • 3

      Measure 24 inches down the post from the top wire and attach a second wire with a wire clamp. String the second wire to the opposite post and attach it securely.

    • 4

      Plant the grape plants between the posts. Space each plant 6 to 7 feet apart, or at the spacing recommended for the particular grape variety.

    • 5

      Install a 3-foot tall stake behind each grapevine. The top of the stake must be no more than 6 inches beneath the bottom wire. As the vine grows, tie it loosely to the stake so the trunk is trained to grow straight.

    • 6

      Trim off any side shoots along the grape trunk as they form, until the tip of the vine reaches the first wire.

    • 7

      Train the two vines that form near the first wire along the wire on either side of the trunk. Tie them loosely in place as they grow, so they continue to follow the wire.

    • 8

      Train the second set of vines along the top wire. Cut off the top of the main trunk so the grapevine doesn't continue to grow in height once it reaches the top wire.