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How to Trim Muscadine Vines

Muscadine grape vines are also called scuppernongs and grow wild in southern portions of the United States. They have a tougher skin than other grape varieties and are used to make jam, pies and wine. The fruit grows in small groups along the vine instead of in large clusters like other grape varieties. Trimming Muscadine vines is necessary to control growth and increase fruit production. Trimming Muscadine vines must only be done in the later winter months.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruners
  • Knife
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      Examine the base of the Muscadine vine in in late January after planting to determine whether there is more than one main vertical trunk. If you see more than one trunk growing out of the soil, choose the sturdiest one and cut the others off at the soil line using hand pruners.

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      Cut off all horizontally-growing shoots from the main trunk using the hand pruners. Make each cut approximately 1/4 inch away from the main trunk to avoid injuring it.

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      Cut the Muscadine vine once it grows to be above 5 feet tall, using the hand pruners. Approximately 5 feet, 3 inches tall is ideal.

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      Examine one of the horizontally-growing branches during its second winter. Count three to four buds from where it attaches to the trunk and cut the remainder of the branch off with the hand pruners. Repeat the process to trim all remaining horizontal branches.

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      Cut off any diseased or broken branches 1/4 inch from the main trunk to prevent disease. In addition, look for small spiraled tendrils that are wrapped tightly around a branch and cut the tendril with a knife to remove it from the tree.