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How Much Sun Does a Grape Plant Need?

Grapes are hardy plants that grow well in a variety of less-than-ideal conditions and last for two to three decades, according to the University of Missouri Extension. As with any plant, though, grape plants must receive proper care and maintenance to perform their best, including an ideal amount sunlight.
  1. Ideal

    • Grapes prefer locations providing full sun, according to the University of Missouri Extension website. This, along with high temperatures, allows grapes to ripen fully. Locations with full sun are defined as those that provide at least six hours of direct sunlight per day, according to the University of Illinois Extension website.


    • Look for south-facing sides of buildings and fences to provide ample sunlight for your grape plants. Avoid northern walls and sloped areas where cooler temperatures, shade and poor drainage may cause issues.


    • Position multiple grapevines in a north-to-south arrangement, as suggested by Oklahoma State University's website. This allows the grapes to obtain the maximum amount of sunlight possible.