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Weed Control in the Grape Vineyard

Weed management in a grape vineyard can help new vines establish and increase the yields of older vines. Weeds on orchard floors attract additional nuisances, like insects, mites, nematodes, diseases, field mice, voles and gophers.
  1. Considerations

    • Different weed management methods are employed by different growers based on climate, location, irrigation practices, soil conditions, topography and personal preferences, according to the University of California's Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. Keeping the vineyard free from extraneous materials, including trash and leaf litter, increases the efficacy of chemical and organic methods.

    Organic Methods

    • Organic weed control methods in a vineyard can be effective. Burying weeds, flaming, which is the use of controlled fire, and using mulches are a few examples of organic weeding techniques. Organic herbicides are available, often soap or clove oil-based, and geese are also effective, as they eat grasses and weeds and dig up weed rhizomes.

    Chemical Herbicides

    • Preemergent chemical herbicides are used on the bare soil of grape vineyards to control weed seeds before they germinate. They can degrade quickly in sunlight and are not effective against weed seeds buried below the soil, however. Selective postemergent herbicides are used on most annual and biennial grasses in the vineyard or as spot treatments. Young vines especially need to be protected from postemergent herbicides.