Home Garden

What Is Eating Holes in My Green Bean Plants?

Green beans come in bush and pole varieties and are the second most popular home garden vegetable after tomatoes, as cited by the University of Illinois Extension's website. The warm-season vegetable is generally intolerant of cold and frost. Common bean pests often eats hole in the plants.
  1. Identification

    • Bean plants are susceptible to infestation from beet army worm and western yellow-striped army worm. The mottled green to black beet army worms are 1¼ inches long. The western yellow-striped army worm is 1½ to 2 inches long and has yellow stripes on a black body.


    • Army worms damage bean plants with their extensive feeding. The pests start to feed in colonies as soon as they hatch, skeletonizing whole leaves. Army worms also feed on the bean pods. Feeding damage on pods is seen in the form of holes in the pods and the beans within.


    • Introduce natural predators in plants. These include assassin bugs, damsel bugs and spiders. Biological control options include the use of Bacillus thuriengiensis. Inspect plants regularly for insect presence especially during bloom and pod growth periods as damage is worse during these times. Recommended insecticides include carbaryl, acephate or methomyl.