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How to Wrap Grape Vines for the Winter

Many varieties of grape vines are cold tolerant and winter hardy, needing a few simple winterizing procedures, such as heavy winter pruning or grow tubes, to prepare the vines for the cold weather. If you are growing grape vines in an area that faces extreme winter temperatures, you may want to make an extra effort to protect your grape vines by wrapping them. With the correct materials and wrapping techniques, you can protect your grape vines during cold winters.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Burlap
  • Twine
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      Prune the grape vine before you wrap it for the winter. Pruning is one of the most important steps in preparing the grape vine for the winter and the next growing season, so do not wrap your grape vine before you prune your vine to two shoots that each have two lateral buds.


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      Cut a piece of coarse burlap. You want to cut the burlap long enough so you will be able to wrap it around the vine several times. For the purposes of measurement, loosely roll the burlap around the vine one time. Then unroll the burlap and triple the length that it took to wrap it around one time.

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      Wrap the burlap around the vines. Wrap it tightly enough so it will stay around the vines, but don't wrap so tightly that it bends or breaks the branches or buds. If you have larger vines, you may need to wrap the branches separately from the trunk. If you wrap the trunk separately, use the same method for measuring the correct amount of burlap. Like the vines, you should wrap the trunk three times with the fabric.

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      Tie the burlap by wrapping a long piece of twine around the fabric twice, then making a knot.