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What Is Eating My Vegetable Seedlings?

Vegetables are prone to pest infestations not only after they are actively growing but also while they are in the seedling stage. Seeds that are planted in cold soil germinate slowly and are prone to pests that start feeding on seedlings. This is often the case with beans and corn.
  1. Identification

    • Flea beetles and cutworms are among the small pests that are likely to feed on vegetable seedlings. Flea beetles are very small, long-legged, shiny black beetles. Cutworms are the larval stage of many moth species. The smooth-skinned pests come in different colors and are 1 to 2 inches long. Rabbits are among the larger animals that are very fond of vegetable seedlings.


    • Cutworms feed on seedlings during early growing season and sever the emerging plant stems entirely. The worms hide under soil and debris during the day and come out at night. Flea beetles feed on seedlings and create holes and ragged edges on young plants. The larvae infest the roots and stems, creating tunnels that become entry points for numerous fungi. Rabbits dig out and eat the entire seedlings and are especially fond of beets, beans, lettuce and peas.The animals feed on all forms of succulent vegetation.


    • Control flea beetles by covering seedlings until they are in the sixth leaf stage. Sticky traps are also helpful in trapping adults. Sulfur based pesticides and carbaryl are among the effective pesticides. To minimize cutworm infestation, prepare site well prior to planting and remove all older plant residues. Chemical control options include the use of methomyl and carbaryl. You can repel rabbits from the vegetables by scattering mothballs, ground limestone or dried blood near the plants. Enclosing smaller areas with chicken wire also helps to keep the animals out.