Home Garden

Where to Find Blackberries & Grape Plants in Phoenix, Arizona

Both blackberries and grapes grow well in Phoenix, as long as they get enough water. Grapes growing up an arbor provide shade, as well as fruit. Blackberries provide a hedge, as well as berries.
  1. Bareroot

    • Dig up grape and blackberry plants when they go dormant. Cut the vine back to a central stem. Place the roots in a moist medium, such as sawdust, and wrapped to keep them moist. The vines are sold in nurseries, home improvement stores and by direct mail. Plant the vines from January through early February in Phoenix.


    • Grapes are grow in containers during most of the year. They're more challenging to find when the vine goes dormant. Blackberries are available but may take contacting different nurseries and home improvement stores to see if they're in stock. Plant container-grown vines in Phoenix from March through October.


    • Both blackberries and grape vines propagate through cuttings. Blackberries grow from root cuttings; grapes grow from vine cuttings. Ask your neighbors and friends if you might take cuttings from their established plants.