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Why Isn't My Grape Vine Growing Fruit?

An array of factors -- from the weather to pesticide applications -- can make grape growing a fruitless endeavor. Both nature and human missteps can lead to barren vines.
  1. Natural Causes

    • Frigid midwinter weather is a common problem for grape growers. Warm wintertime temperatures followed by a hard freeze can injure the plants. Additionally, it typically takes grapes three to four years to grow after planting the vines, and wild grape plants that are males won't produce fruit.


    • Spur pruning, which leaves just two or three buds per cane, will interfere with American grape fruit production. When cane pruning, keeping five or more buds will favor vegetative growth over grape production.


    • A dandelion herbicide called 2,4-D can destroy flower clusters on grapevines. Using this chemical around plants once they have leafed out could keep vines from bearing fruit.