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How Old Do Grapevines Have to Be to Set Fruit?

Grapevines bring to mind Old World orchards, with their rustic hanging vines and deep purple or dusty green fruit. These are sensitive plants that require relatively long, warm growing seasons, and do best in areas that give them bright sun and protection from heavy frost. Grapevines take some time to establish and bear their fruit, and require the proper care to do so.
  1. Lifespan

    • Grapevines require three years, or growing seasons, to establish and begin bearing fruit. With the correct placement, care and protection, this means that a grapevine may begin to flower and bear fruit in its third year and will produce in its fourth or fifth years. Grapevines make up for this tardiness with long and productive lifespans of 40 to 50 years.


    • Grapes must get eight hours of sun every day if they're to establish and grow. This requirement holds true for grape fruit production as well, as the fruit can't develop or ripen without sun and air. Plant grapes on sunny slopes or in areas that get sun and naturally good drainage, and use trellis systems to keep even first-year vines off the ground.


    • Grapes need nutritious, quick-draining soil from the start to grow to full fruiting maturity. Plant grapevines in early spring, in garden soil mixed with quick-draining compost. Give them 9 to 10 feet in the row and 10 to 12 feet between rows to account for full growth. Grapes that grow in poor, tight soil or crowded conditions will not bear large or healthy fruit harvests.

    Ongoing Care

    • Grapevines need consistent water and nutrition to grow and bear their fruit. Provide grapes 2 inches of water every week, and use mulch to keep soil moist, warm and weed free. The University of Ohio Extension recommends giving grapevines 8 oz. of 10-10-10 fertilizer one week after planting, and feeding the vines every spring thereafter. Increase feedings by 1/2 lb. every year to account for the plants becoming larger and starting to bear fruit.