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What Is the Most Widely Grown Wine Grape?

The world's largest fruit crop, grapes grow in the temperate zone between 20 and 50 degrees latitude worldwide. A few grape varieties dominate the wine industry, producing the most widely available wines on the market. Because of the variable nature of the wine industry and agriculture in general, no statistics prove one variety as the most widely grown. But the wine names of the most common often use the grape varietal, making them familiar to red and white wine lovers alike.
  1. Chardonnay

    • Chardonnay, the key ingredient in France's white Burgundy wines, appears in nearly every major wine producing area in the world. According to the Wine Access website, the chardonnay grape most likely originated in the eastern part of France, a cross between the pinot family of grapes and the nearly extinct gouais blanc. Chardonnay grapes produce medium, full-bodied white wines with complex flavors.

    Cabernet Sauvignon

    • The cabernet sauvignon wines rank among the most popular and widely distributed wines in the world, according to the Wine Tastings Guide website. The dark, thick-skinned fruit produces bold, full-bodied wines with powerful flavors. The grape originates from the Bordeaux region of France and is often combined with other grapes to form blended wines like merlot. In addition to being the primary ingredient of Bordeaux wine, cabernet sauvignon grapes also produce the flagship wine of California's Napa Valley and are widely used in Washington state, Australian and Chilean wines.

    Other Common Whites

    • Sauvignon blanc often grows alongside chardonnay. This French grape produces a white wine with more pronounced fruit flavors and crisp acidity. Pinot grigio grapes form the basis for simple table wines from Italy and riesling produces sweet and complex white wines with perfectly balanced acidity.

    Other Common Reds

    • Winemakers in France and California frequently blend merlot grapes with cabernet sauvignon. As chardonnay is the grape used in white Burgundy, pinot noir is used to make red Burgundy. This native fruit of France is widely grown in California's wine country as well. Syrah, known as shiraz in Australia, originated in France's northern Rhone Valley and is now the base of many rich, structured wines worldwide. Some of the best shiraz grapes grow in Australia's Barossa Valley.