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How to Remove Basal Leaves for Wine Grapes

Removing basal leaves is a method that grape growers use to increase air flow and light to the grapes. Many growers believe that this method promotes skin thickening, disease prevention and better overall grape quality. Basal leaves use energy that the vine could otherwise devote to developing the grapes. There are different schools of thought among grape producers regarding the benefits and methods of leaf removal, or "leaf pulling," but the traditional method of basal leaf removal is widely used and respected.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruners (optional)
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      Wait until fruit set to remove basal leaves. Fruit set occurs when the flowers have evolved into small green grapes. Make sure you have completed any leaf pulling before veraison, the point at which the grapes start to turn color and soften.

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      Identify the basal leaves. They are the first three leaves at the base of each shoot and around clusters. You can also remove any other leaves that are touching the grapes for even more sun exposure, but only if it won't result in sunburn.

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      Pull or clip off the basal leaves from the shady side of the vines only. Removing leaves on the sunny side exposes the grapes to too much sun, resulting in sunburned fruit.