Home Garden

How to Make Red Seedless Grapes Sweet

Grapes grown in the home garden can be used for jam, pie, wine, juice or eaten fresh. Some varieties of grape vines produce nearly 20 lbs. of fruit a year, and grape vines produce fruit for up to 40 years. Since grapes are so productive, they make a reliable plant for the home garden. Grapes grow best in cool to mild temperatures with long, hot summers, which allow the fruit to ripen properly. Warm weather makes the grapes you grow sweeter, as long as the red seedless variety of grape you're growing is already a sweet grape.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • Shovel
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      Select a location for your red seedless grapes that gets full sun and southern exposure. This ensures the grapes get plenty of light and warmth to properly ripen.

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      Plant your grapes in well drained, rich soil. Work 3 to 4 inches of compost into the surface of the soil to a depth of 8 to 10 inches. Plant the grapes in the early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Choose a red seedless variety of grape that is sweet and suitable for your climate, such as Candice, Reliance or Red Flame.

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      Add 1 inch of water to the grape vines a week if the weather is dry. As long as the grape vines are growing and producing the grapes will ripen.