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Height of Grapevines

Grapes can be eaten straight from the vine or processed into juice, wine, jelly or a wide variety of other products. Many different grape cultivars exist, each with their own specific tastes and uses, but they all grow in the same basic manner -- on vines. Grapes are one of the most famous and well-known fruits grown on a vine.
  1. Maximum Height

    • An unpruned grapevine can reach a maximum length of 115 feet. If the grapevine were allowed to grow up a support structure of some sort, this would be the highest a grapevine would grow. Pruning grapevines is important for healthy grape clusters, however, so it is quite rare to actually see a grapevine reach its full height. Grapevines are generally kept between 3 and 10 feet long.

    Grape Clusters

    • Grapes grow on clusters that form on what are called fruiting shoots. These shoots grow from a bud that forms on the main vine. The entire cluster can be picked as one unit, and grapes are often sold for consumption still attached to the cluster. The color of the grape will depend on the specific cultivar, but green, red, white and dark purple are the most common colors.


    • In addition to grape clusters, the grapevine also produces small, hermaphroditic, green flowers. These flowers grow in small clusters similar in function to the fruit clusters but slightly different in appearance. Grapevine flowers look in some ways similar to an all green lilac flower. Like the fruit clusters, the flowers of the grapevine also grow on offshoots of the main vine.

    Support Structures

    • Vines need a support structure around which to grow. Conventional trellises are great for this purpose, but fences, ropes or posts can be used as support structures on which to grow grapes. This is one of the reasons that grapevines are usually not allowed to grow to their full length. A 115-foot tall or long trellis would be quite the pain to keep up with. The ideal height for a grape trellis is dependent on the climate and grape variety being grown. Multiple grape plants can be grown on a single support structure as long as there is ample room for each plant to grow. Spacing them 5 to 8 feet generally allows the vines sufficient room to grow.