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How to Grow Grapes As Bushes

Grapes are large, vining plants with hanging fruit, foliage and long lifespans. These cane plants grow best with bright sunshine, fertile soil, quick drainage and long growing seasons. They always require support for their vines. While most gardeners grow their grapevines along long trellis systems, the vines also grow up and through arbors for a more compact, bushy form. Give your grapes the right type of support to train them into a bushy form.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic compost
  • Garden fork
  • Fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
  • Mulch
  • Arbor
  • Ties
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      Plant grapevines in spring, after the frost lifts. Even hardy grapevines do best with a warm-season start and growing season. Wait for nighttime temperatures to surpass 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Prepare independent planting sites for each grapevine. Choose sites with good drainage, air circulation and eight hours of daily sunshine. Avoid low-lying spots, which collect frost and cold temperatures. Give each grapevine 8 to 10 feet of growing space.

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      Amend the soil in each site to a depth of 10 inches in a 2-foot-wide band. Dig into and mix the natural soil to aerate and loosen it. Add 4 inches of organic compost for nutrition and moisture retention. Work the compost into the soil with the garden fork.

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      Plant each grapevine in a hole as deep and twice as wide as its root ball. Spread the roots in the hole to allow them free access to the soil, then slowly fill the hole with amended soil to eliminate air pockets. Encourage new growth by cutting back each cane to two to three growing buds.

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      Water each grapevine with 1/2 gallon of water to settle the soil around the roots and put the vines on a schedule of 2 inches of water every week. Grapevines do well with consistently moist soil.

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      Put an arbor 4 to 6 inches behind each grapevine for support. Place the arbors now, when the soil is loose and moist. Tie the grapevines up to the arbor as they grow. Use soft cord ties and tie only the main vines.

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      Fertilize each grapevine with 8 oz. of 10-10-10 fertilizer one week after planting. Sprinkle the fertilizer onto the soil in a foot-wide circle around each vine and mix it into the top 3 inches of soil. Don't get the fertilizer on the trunks of the vines, as it can burn them. Water the vines immediately after feedings.

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      Mulch the grapevines to keep them moist and warm. Spread 2 inches of organic mulch in a 2-foot circle around each vine and replenish this layer as it breaks down.