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Seedless Grapes by Growing Zones

There are many factors that influence how hardy a seedless grape variety is, and which hardiness zone it is placed in. Hardiness zones are numbers assigned to areas of the country that represent the average lowest annual temperature in a specific region. Plants are assigned these numbers to guide homeowners in their plant selections. Zone assignments are meant to be guides, not concrete restrictions. In one study, it was found that a 22-degree hardiness difference existed within the same grape variety and on the same plant.
  1. Why Grapes Have a Growing Zone Range

    • Most seedless grapes are a Zone 5. This means they can withstand temperatures down to the lowest temperatures in that zone, which in this case is minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Oftentimes, plants are given a range. Grapes are one of these plants due to the fact that they have a certain chilling requirement, or a certain amount of days that they need to be below a certain temperature for them to begin growth. If grapes are planted in a tropical area, they will not produce. Therefore, grapes are assigned a zone range that will best suit the variety selected.

    Zone 4 through Zone 8

    • Canadice is a good seedless selection for areas with harsh winters.

      There are very few seedless varieties that will not display some winter damage below Zone 5. Zone 4 plants can withstand temperatures down to minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit. "Canadice" is a red seedless variety that produces early and has excellent flavor. Canadice is often stated as a Zone 5 to Zone 8 variety, but it has shown the ability to produce even after the harshest winters. "Concord Seedless" is a blue variety that can also withstand cold temperatures and is often used for juice, jellies and fresh eating.

    Zone 5 through Zone 8

    • Glenora seedless grapes are plump, sweet and juicy.

      Almost all seedless varieties are placed in this zone range. Zone 8 has an average lowest temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit, still cold enough to fulfill the chilling requirements for growth. Green seedless varieties that are assigned this zone range include "Himrod," "Interlaken," "Lakemont" and "Marquis." Red seedless varieties include "Reliance" and "Vanessa." "Glenora" is a black seedless variety also assigned this zone range.

    Above Zone 8

    • "Venus" is one of the few seedless grapes that can withstand Zone 9 growing conditions. Venus is a seedless, purple/black grape that has large clusters. This variety is good for making juice and jellies, and also for fresh eating. The vines are disease-resistant and produce very early. Some other varieties that may tolerate Zone 9 conditions include Concord Seedless and "Thompson Seedless." Thompson Seedless is a white seedless variety that can withstand a zone range of 6 to 10.