Home Garden

How to Grow Wild Garlic

Wild garlic, also known as crow garlic, is a perennial herb that you can grow in your vegetable garden. Native to Europe and parts of Asia, wild garlic yields smaller bulbs than conventional garlic but has a similar taste. It can be used in cooking or even eaten raw. Wild garlic prefers to grow in large patches, but you can still have success growing a small amount near your house or in a vegetable garden. Before planting, pick a site that gets full sunlight and has well-drained soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Wild garlic bulbs
  • Mulch
  • Shovel
  • Soybean meal
  • Spray bottle
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      Dig a hole where you want to plant the bulbs. Dig down at least 4 inches and add some soybean meal.

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      Break apart the wild garlic bulbs into individual cloves. Plant the cloves with the root side facing down.

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      Fill in the hole with dirt once all the cloves are planted. Cover with mulch to prevent weeds from growing in the freshly turned soil.

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      Water the area at least one time per week. As the seedlings come up, mist them gently with water as well.