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How to Plant Garlic Bulb Sets

Garlic bulb sets are garlic heads that have been selected as disease-free for use by gardeners. The garlic bulb or "head" is separated into cloves and each clove is planted and becomes a new bulb. Preparation of the soil and planting the bulbs is the most labor-intensive process of growing garlic, since it is planted approximately four to six weeks before the ground freezes and is harvested in late spring to early summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden fork
  • Compost
  • Garden rake
  • Hoe
  • Hay or leaves
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    • 1

      Loosen the soil in the garden bed with a garden fork to the depth of the fork tines.

    • 2

      Add 2 to 3 inches of compost to the top of the garden bed and rake it smooth with a garden rake.

    • 3

      Make shallow furrows approximately 1/2 inch deep and 6 inches apart with the handle of the garden rake.

    • 4

      Break the garlic bulbs into individual cloves. Set any small cloves aside and use them for cooking rather than planting, since larger cloves will yield better results.

    • 5

      Push each clove into the ground, pointy end up, every 4 inches along the length of the furrows. Each clove should be approximately 2 inches deep into the ground.

    • 6

      Rake over the fully planted garden bed with a garden rake and smooth over the furrows. Water the bed thoroughly.

    • 7

      Cover the bed with a layer of hay or leaves. The garlic can be dug up with a garden fork after 90 to 100 days.