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What Is Nut Grass and Where Does It Grow?

Nugrass or purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) is among the most serious perennial weeds in the world. Nutrgrass has a highly competitive growth habit and seriously limits the availability of water and nutrients to desired plants. Nutgrass is a member of the rush family.
  1. Habitat

    • Nutgrass is most prevalent in the temperate and tropical growing areas and is a serous threat to agriculture in these regions, as cited by the University of California Extension. The grass thrives in areas of full sun and moist soil.


    • The 4- to 12-inch-tall grass stems are hairless, glossy and dark red to purple brown in color. The grass grows from underground stems or rhizomes located in the top 12 inches of soil. Nutgrass' flowers are brown.


    • The use of glyphosate, sold under different tradenames, is among the best chemical control option for nutgrass, as the chemical targets the underground rhizomes, as cited by the University of Hawaii Extension.