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How to Kill Black Walnut

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a deciduous tree with a mature height of up to 70 feet with an equal spread. The fast growing tree is native to North America and bears bittersweet and highly nutritious nuts rich in oil. The wood of the tree is prized for its lightweight and fine grain. Black walnut tree adapts well to areas of full to partial sun and thrives best in fertile, moist soil. If you need to get rid of a black walnut tree on your property, the best way to do this is to kill the tree with a recommended herbicide, according to the Ohio State University Extension.

Things You'll Need

  • Ax
  • Glyphosate
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      Use herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate to effectively kill a black walnut tree, as recommended by the Washington State University Extension. Choose undiluted, water-soluble formulas.

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      Cut down the tree, leaving a 2- to 3-foot stump. Make sure that the stump surface is as level as possible to keep the chemical from running off. Clear all sawdust from the top.

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      Apply herbicide evenly to the entire surface. Treat the entire area on trees with trunk diameter of less than 3 inches.

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      Treat only the 2 to 3 inches right next to the bark on larger trunks. This is the living cambium tissue on larger trees; the heartwood of these trees is already dead.

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      Apply the herbicide immediately following cutting for best efficacy. If you were not able to treat the tree right away, make a fresh cut on the stump prior to application of the chemical. The recommended time for glyphosate treatment is between late spring and early summer.

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      Remove the dead stump by grinding to a depth of about 1 foot below soil line. You can also remove the stump by wrapping it with a chain, hooking it to a truck and pulling out with roots. Grinding is the preferred method of getting rid of stumps in urban areas, according to the University of Minnesota Extension.