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Potting Soil for Azalea Cuttings

Azaleas (Rhododendron spp.) are flowering shrubs that come in a wide range of sizes and flower colors. The evergreen or deciduous plants thrive in moist, fertile soil and areas of partial shade. Azaleas bloom during spring and summer depending on variety. It is easy to propagate all varieties of azaleas with cuttings. Using the proper medium for rooting helps with successful propagation.
  1. Potting Soil

    • The soil that is used for starting new cuttings is also referred to as rooting medium. The recommended rooting medium for azalea cuttings, according to the Azalea Society of America, is a mixture containing equal parts of perlite and peat. Other materials used in potting soils for cuttings include fine pine bark, sand and vermiculite.

    Evergreen Azaleas

    • The cuttings from evergreen azaleas are taken from semi-hardwood stems. This is the current year growth that is still supple yet shows signs of firmness. Semi-hardwood stems are not as pliable as rubber, but they're also not stiff enough to break like a matchstick when bent. The proper time to take semi-hardwood cuttings is anytime after June. Most of the evergreen azalea cuttings root readily under optimal conditions.

    Deciduous Azaleas

    • Deciduous azalea varieties are harder to propagate with cuttings as root production and new growth is often slow and tedious. Though the process for rooting the cuttings of evergreen and deciduous azaleas is similar, the timing for taking the cuttings differs. Deciduous azaleas are propagated with softwood cuttings taken from the current year's growth that is still green and soft. The recommended time to take softwood cuttings is during late May.

    Planting Procedure

    • Cut 2- to 5-inch-long sections of stems from healthy plants. Use sharp scissors and measure from stem tips. Remove all leaves from the lower half of the cuttings and leave only two to three leaves at the top. Dip the base of each cutting in a rooting hormone and plant immediately in the rooting medium or potting soil in a small pot. Water cuttings and place entire pot in a large plastic bag and close top. Place in a warm, bright area out of direct sun. Water cuttings every three to four days. Use only enough water to keep medium moist but not wet. It generally takes between four and eight weeks for cuttings to root.