Home Garden

How to Grow Sprouted Garlic

Everyone has done it one time or another: forgotten about a bulb of garlic and found it a month or two later in the root vegetable basket with a series of tender green shoots prying their way out. Rather than toss the garlic shamefully in the trash, why not plant the sprouted cloves and grow your own garlic -- the taste difference will amaze. Plant in fall for harvesting in summer.

Things You'll Need

  • 18-inch planting containers (optional)
  • Potting soil (optional)
  • Sand
  • Garden spade
  • Nitrogen fertilizer
  • Clippers
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      Pry apart the sprouting garlic bulb gently, separating and peeling each clove.

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      Fill as many planting containers as you want garlic plants with one part sand to three parts potting soil mixture. Otherwise, work a couple of handfuls of sand into the garden bed where you want to plant the garlic, using a garden spade.

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      Hold a sprouted garlic clove with the sprout upright and push it into the soil around 4 inches deep and cover over lightly. Repeat for each clove you want to plant. If planting in the garden, space the cloves around 15 inches apart.

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      Fertilize with a nitrogen fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season -- midspring through summer if planted in fall -- applying around 2 diluted tbsp. per plant. Water weekly during the growing season, but stop around two weeks before harvest.

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      Harvest the garlic once the lower leaves of the plant start to brown, but the majority are still green -- around middle to late summer if planted in fall. Use a garden spade to loosen the soil around the plant, and use your hands to pull the root up by the stalk.

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      Shake off all the dirt, then tie the garlic plants together in bunches, with a maximum of 15 per bunch, and hang in a dry room with good ventilation for three to four weeks to cure. Cut off the dried stalk about an inch from the bulb with clippers once cured.