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Do Snapdragons Prefer Sun or Shade?

Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are versatile garden plants that come in a variety of hues and serve a wide range of purposes in the garden. Although they prefer sun, they will take partial shade. Their low-maintenance nature, along with their long blooming period, extending from early spring until the first frost, make them a favorite annual garden plant.
  1. Identification

    • Although often grown as an annual because of their low cost and wide availability, snapdragons are a herbaceous perennial winter hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. They generally bloom from around April through to the first frost in cold climates, and though they will overwinter in warm climates they might look nicer if simply purchased new each year. Blooms come in hues ranging from white, yellow, peach and orange to pink, red and purple. Bicolor varieties are available as well.

    Light Requirements

    • Snapdragons require sites with full sun, although they can also grow in partial shade. In very hot climates where summer heat stretches on without a break, plants often will not last the entire growing season. In this case, give plants partial shade to extend their life during hot weather. Although snapdragons work well in mixed plantings and as borders in flowerbeds, try not to shade them out with other flowers as in all but the hottest weather they do need full sun.


    • Snapdragons will grow in well-drained slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soils, though they prefer acidic. Although they tolerate a wide range of soil types, they usually won’t grow well in clay that has not been amended. If you have clay soil, incorporate organic matter to lighten it and improve drainage. Snapdragons are available as seeds or as bedding plants. In cooler climates, snapdragons are often planted in springtime, usually around April when they begin blooming. In warmer climates, they can be planted in early spring -- February or March -- as well as late fall and winter -- October through December.

    Garden Uses

    • Snapdragons come in a wide variety of heights. Six-inch dwarf types like “Floral Carpet” and “Royal Carpet” are suited to rock gardens, border fronts, window boxes and containers. Intermediate types, growing 1 to 2 feet tall, such as “Princess” and “Liberty” are suited to beds and mixed borders, while the tallest cultivars like “Panorama” and “Rocket” -- usually between 2 and 3 feet tall -- are best used for borders and in cutting gardens.