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How Come My Passion Flowers Didn't Bloom Last Year?

Passion flowers come from the family Passiflora and start growing in the middle of May. Their growth cycle usually continues through summer and sometimes into the fall. The flowers' blooms often have pastel colors including white, purple, pink or light blue. Planting and maintaining passion flowers so they grow and flower properly takes time, patience and discipline. There are several reasons why passion flowers may not bloom; learn the causes so that you can prepare for successful blooms in the coming season.
  1. Soil

    • Passion flowers that grow in the wild often grow in soil that drains water well. If your passion flowers did not bloom last year, the soil may have been too compact and dry. An ideal compost of soil includes a mix of granular solid, like sand and gravel, and medium to coarse peat or loam. This mixture should be even; it is ideal because it will allow proper water drainage, but just enough water and mineral retention.


    • When planting passion flower seeds for the first time, it is important that you plant the seeds in a separate container with a high concentration of water. You must then transplant the seeds to compost with equal amounts of coarse and medium soil components. From then on, water the seeds consistently. If flowers did not bloom in the last year, it may be because you did not water enough. Additionally, if the soil is too compact, the water will not reach the flower's deep roots.


    • Passion flowers are known to be fast growers and very fast feeders. They will quickly feed off of the nutrients that are in the soil. Nutrients and minerals may be drained due to consistent watering--which can prevent blooming. Provide the plant with new, organic feed in midsummer and at the beginning of autumn.


    • Passion flowers, like all plant life, require sunlight to grow and stay alive. The plants can grow with partial sunlight, but it is best if the plant is exposed to the sun as much as possible. The less sunlight there is, the more likely the flower will not bloom. To provide as much sunlight as possible, provide a trellis or wall for the plant to climb up. Not only will this allow the plant to climb naturally, it will also spread it out to maximize sun exposure.