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How to Mount Orchids

Beautiful, complex orchids are epiphytes, naturally growing on tree branches in tropical forests. You can replicate this natural look by mounting orchids to a tree branch or crook in a hothouse or warm and humid outdoor environment. Commercial orchid mounts made of cork, wood or tree fern are available from garden supply stores, or you can use a piece of wood or hardware cloth that you have at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Mount
  • Wire
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Fishing line or plant ties
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      Bend a piece of wire into a hook shape. Hammer it into the end of the mount you wish to hang, or screw a commercial ceiling hook hanger into the top of the mount.

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      Soak the orchid mount and a pad of sphagnum moss overnight. If you are using hardware cloth for your mount, soak the sphagnum moss only.

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      Place the sphagnum moss on the mount's surface. Place the orchid on the moss, and spread out the roots on top. The roots will establish themselves in the moss before spreading to the moss and, eventually, the tree branch.

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      Tie fishing line or plant ties around the roots and the mount to secure the orchid in place.

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      Pass a wire through the orchid mount's hook, and hang it in a humid place, such as a greenhouse. You can hang the wire from the greenhouse rafters, on a tree branch or on a section of mesh screening.

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      Cut off the fishing line or ties once the roots grow into the mount. This usually takes about two weeks.