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How Much Sun Does a Poppy Plant Need?

Poppies are attractive, self-sowing plants that add splashes of color to a garden. Many varieties exist and have different blooming times, but all poppies prefer sunny, cool conditions. Like many plants, poppies prefer at least six hours of sunlight every day, but bloom best in cool weather. Depending on the variety, poppies may be annuals, perennials or biennials.
  1. Annual Poppies

    • The California poppy is an annual variety of poppy with rich gold, orange, violet or red flowers that bloom extensively from June to October. The Flanders poppy, another annual variety, blooms from March to July and prefers part shade to full sun conditions, while the prickly poppy (Argemone mexicana) grows well in hotter conditions. Although annual plants live for only one year, their self-seeding ability means the flowers will often regrow the following year.

    Perennial Poppies

    • There are many types of perennial poppies, which live for multiple years. Iceland poppies are easy to grow and thrive in poor soil and sunny conditions, while Celandine poppies thrive in part shade and rich soil. The Oriental poppy, which has vivid pick, orange and red flowers, lives for multiple years as well but blooms for just a few weeks each year. A smaller variety of perennial poppy is the alpine poppy, exhibiting yellow, orange white or red flowers.

    Growing Poppies

    • Cool weather and soil are ideal for all types of poppies, though many varieties prefer full sun. Sunlight helps poppy seeds germinate, so do not cover seeds with too much soil. To ensure the plants thrive, keep the soil moist and make sure it drains well. Poppy plants are tolerant of frost and may bloom better when temperatures are cool, while warm weather can lead to merely sporadic blooms.

    Extending the Bloom

    • If you fall in love with the colorful display of poppies, you can implement a few tricks to extend the color through your garden. Protect flowers from heat and provide plenty of moisture to encourage blossoms. To encourage greater and longer bloom times, remove dead flowers once petals drop. Another trick to extending bloom time for annual poppies is to sow seeds throughout the spring season so there is a continuous display of flowers.