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Daisies & Ants

Daisies are members of the Asteraceae family of plants. Some grow as perennials, while others grow as annuals. Shasta daisies are one common type that grows throughout the United States. Although many daisy specimens are hardy and grow in a variety of climates, they are prone to certain pest infestations. Ants on your daisies often signal the presence of more destructive plant pests.
  1. Ants

    • Ants seldom damage daisy plants, although some feed on the nectar, pollinating the flowers. Since other insects also pollinate daisy blossoms, ants are not necessary for this reproductive process. Although they are unlikely to cause harm, ants detract from the daisy beauty blossoms' beauty and appearance. Ant infestations usually occur on plants when other insects, usually aphids, damage the surface of the leaves and stems. Aphids also secrete a substance called honeydew This sweet substance attracts ants, which feed on it.


    • Examining daisies with ant infestations often reveals the presence of aphids. These tiny insects have pear-shaped bodies resembling pepper specks. Aphids feed on a variety of plants, including weeds, vegetables and flowers. The nymphs do not have wings, but adult aphids fly from plant to plant.


    • Their sucking of plant juices causes extensive damage, including plant death. Aphids transmit plant diseases as they feed. Even though ants seldom harm daisies, these bugs occasionally transport aphids to healthy plants. Some ants that feed on flower nectar may produce an antibacterial secretion that kills pollen grains, rendering them infertile.


    • Keeping daisies free of aphids reduces the damage that leads to the appearance of honeydew, eliminating the food source that draws large colonies of ants to the daisy plants. Parasitic insects that feed on aphids help to eliminate these feeding pests. Beneficial insects include lacewings, hoverflies and ladybugs. Insecticidal sprays help treat both ant and aphid infestations. Use caution when applying chemical insecticides to your daisies and other plants. Apply the insecticide on a calm, dry day and follow instructions on the product label.