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How Long Does It Take for the Roll-out Flower Bed to Grow?

Roll-out flower beds consist of seeds distributed in an organic matter mat. The mats are watered, the seeds germinate, the mat disintegrates and the flower plants grow into the underlying soil. Seed mats eliminate the hand planting of tiny seeds, ensure the seeds are adequately spaced and eliminate plant thinning. But it is usually more expensive to buy seed mats than packages of seeds. The type of flower seeds inserted into the mat determines how long it takes the flower bed to grow.
  1. Rolling Out the Flower Beds

    • Flower bed mats are easily cut into any size or shape. In addition to outside garden areas, they fit into pots and planters. The soil underneath the flower bed mat is loosened and raked. Level soil isn't necessary; flower mats may be used in sloping areas. The mats are rolled out over the prepared soil. It is important to water the mat well and keep it constantly moist until the seedlings appear. Then water as necessary.

    Types of Flowers

    • Some mats contain a variety of seeds. The companies selling the mats have a number of names for the mats with several types of flowers. These include "fragrance flowers," "tall borders," "short borders" and "cut flower mixes." Other mats only contain one type of flower.


    • If the seed mats contain zinnias, Four O'clocks, Sunflowers or Cosmos, the flowers will germinate in five to seven days. Strawflowers, petunias and moss rose germinate in seven to 10 days. Lisianthus, flowering tobacco and nasturtium require 10 to 14 days for germination. Flower mixtures usually begin growing within 14 days of rolling out the mat.

    Do-It-Yourself Mat

    • If your desired flowers are not available in a mat, you can assemble a seed mat at home. Paste individual flower seeds on paper towels. Space the seeds as desired. A thick mixture of water and flour serves as a paste. Roll out the mat in the garden area.