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The Best Time to Transplant Oriental Poppies

Oriental poppies (Papaver orientale) bloom paperlike, red and orange flowers in the late spring to early summer. Growing in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 to 7, oriental poppies grow up to 4 feet in height with a 2-foot spread. The best time to transplant them is August or September because the heat of the summer has ended and the bloom season is complete.
  1. Remove the Oriental Poppy

    • Water the soil around the poppies the day before transplanting making it easier to dig. Remove and discard any spent blooms, dead or damaged foliage. Dig a trench around the poppy beginning 6 inches away. Place the shovel under the poppy and carefully lift the entire clump, avoiding damaging the roots. Shake the soil off the roots. If necessary, divide into two or three smaller sections using your hands to carefully pull the roots apart.

    Transplant the Oriental Poppy

    • The new location should be sunny and well draining. Loosen soil with a garden fork to a depth of 12 to 15 inches. Amend the native soil with a 4-inch layer of compost. Dig a hole twice the size of the root system. Place the roots in the hole's center, making sure the roots are level with the surface. Backfill the soil around the roots and gently firm it. Deep watering eliminates air pockets. Space the next Oriental poppy 2 feet away, allowing for spreading and growth in the spring.

    Winter Protection

    • Water the newly transplanted Oriental Poppies 1 inch a week until the first frost. This helps establish the roots. Covering the plant with a 6-inch layer of mulch once the freezes prevents heaving of the roots and protect the poppies from the cold weather. Gradually remove the mulch in the early spring when the danger of the last frost has ended.

    General Care

    • Placing a layer of compost around the Oriental poppies in the spring provides nutrients and helps drainage. Applying a 2-inch layer of organic mulch, such as pine bark, around the poppies keeps the soil moist and wards off weeds. Water the poppies during the summer months when rainfall is less than 1 inch a week.