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Marigold Pests

Marigolds are bright flowers people grow in gardens and planters. They provide blooms that range from yellow to red. Like all species of flower, marigolds have their own particular pest concerns. Marigolds face fewer problems than certain other varieties of flowers as they are used as a border plant to repel many of the common pests that invade gardens.
  1. Aphids

    • While marigolds keep away many types of pests, they aren't immune from all insects. Aphids seem to have a taste for marigolds. If you notice that the leaves on the plant are twisting or curling in unnatural ways, you should start inspecting for aphids. Look on the undersides of affected leaves to see if insects are there. Spray them with a water spray to simply knock the bugs off. If that doesn't work, you will need to use an insecticide.

    Spider Mites

    • Not only do marigolds not repel all insects, but for some, they act as as a beacon and draw large numbers of them to the garden. This problem is shown through spider mite populations in gardens thick with marigolds. The flowers attract large quantities of spider mites, which will attack the marigold population as well as infest other plants in the yard. If spider mites have been a problem in your garden before, it is best to avoid planting marigolds.


    • If grasshoppers are a problem in your area, they won't discriminate between most of the plants in your garden. Marigolds are frequently eaten by grasshoppers in areas where populations are high. If you have problems with grasshoppers in the garden, you will need to spray with an insecticide that contains chemicals such as carbaryl or acephate.


    • The pests that attack marigolds also depends on the areas the flowers grow. Certain insects don't make their home in all the habitats in which marigolds can be grown. There are many types of caterpillars that might attack marigolds depending on which ones you have in your region. The cabbage looper, beet armyworm and sunflower moth are just some of the caterpillars that will eat marigold leaves.