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How to Transplant a Potted Gardenia

Gardenias are difficult to transplant because the root systems are very sensitive. To ensure the health of a transplanted gardenia, remove it carefully from the pot and plant the gardenia in an uncrowded area of your garden -- and avoid cultivating around it. Like all transplanted flowers, gardenias benefit from a partial, rather than complete, burial of the root ball in the soil.


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      Remove the gardenia from its pot carefully. Crack the pot to dig around the root system, if necessary.

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      Choose a relatively open space in your garden soil. Plant the gardenia in the uncrowded soil. Ensure that the root ball is an inch higher than the soil.

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      Trim up to 1/2 of the gardenia's top growth to prevent wilting through water stress.

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      Surround the transplanted gardenia with mulch to stop weeds from competing with the gardenia's roots. Pull weeds out by hand if you notice them.