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How to Germinate Blackberry Lily Seeds

Blackberry lily earned its common name through the appearance of its seed clusters, which superficially resemble large, ripe blackberries. The species occur naturally across eastern Asia and is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant for its large, orange and red spotted flowers, which emerge in late summer. Propagating blackberry lilies is simple to do, since they germinate effortlessly from seed and quickly put on growth, but the seeds must first be exposed to cold winter temperatures to effectively break their dormancy.

Things You'll Need

  • 6-inch nursery pot
  • Garden soil
  • Coarse sand
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    • 1

      Gather seeds from a well-established blackberry lily in early autumn once the pods open to reveal the large, shiny black seeds. Pluck the seeds from the stem.

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      Prepare a planting container for each blackberry lily plant desired. Fill 6-inch nursery pots with a mixture of half garden soil and half coarse sand.

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      Sow one blackberry lily seed in each prepared planting container. Sow the seeds to a 1/4-inch depth.

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      Drizzle 1/4 cup of water into each pot. Pour the water in very slowly to keep from disturbing the blackberry lily seed.

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      Set the potted blackberry lily seeds outdoors against a north-facing wall. Allow the seeds to develop according to naturally occurring conditions and withhold all watering unless very little rain falls, in which case moisten the soil to a depth of 1 inch every 10 to 14 days.

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      Move the potted blackberry lily seeds to a sunny spot in spring once nighttime temperatures stay above 50 degrees F for two or more weeks.

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      Watch for germination in 14 to 21 days. Keep the blackberry lily seedlings in their nursery containers until soil temperatures reach 70 degrees F. Plant them in a bed with partial shade and moist, draining soil.