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Can You Plant Potato Vine Seeds in a Pot With Begonias?

Ornamental sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas) are twining vines with purple, palmately lobed leaves that complement begonia's deep-green foliage and colorful, ruffled blossoms. With similar sunlight, soil, irrigation and fertilization requirements, sweet potato vines and begonias make good companion plants for container cultivation. Begonias are grown from tubers or nursery plants. Sweet potato vines are not started from seeds, but from small shoots known as slips. Plant sweet potato slips with potted begonias for an attractive display.
  1. Potting

    • Considering the number of plants that you want to grow determines the pot's appropriate. Choose a 10- to 12-inch pot for three to four plants, a 14- to 16-inch pot for four to six plants or a 16- to 20-inch pot for six to eight plants. Pick a container with at least four 1/4-inch holes in the bottom ensuring healthy drainage. Place 2 inches of coarse gravel in the pot and fill it with a well-draining growing medium of four parts loam, three parts peat moss, two parts compost and one part perlite. Plant begonia plants at the same depth they grew in their nursery containers. Plant tubers under a 1/2-inch of growing medium. Plant sweet potato slips to the depth of the first leaves. Leave 6 to 8 inches between each plant in the container.

    Sunlight Requirements

    • Sweet potato vines perform well in sites with full sun to partial shade exposure, while begonias grow best in partial sunlight. Positioning the pot or planter in a partial sun location that gets bright, filtered sunlight for six or more hours per day ensures healthy development of both types of plants. Selecting a site that gets no more than three hours of direct sun per day prevents begonia leaves and foliage from burning.

    Irrigation Requirements

    • Begonias and sweet potato vines require frequent irrigation. Potted plants receive drying winds from all sides, which causes the growing medium to dry more quickly than it does in a garden bed. Irrigate the potted sweet potato vines and begonias at least twice a week, keeping the growing medium moist, but well drained. Provide up to 1 inch of water each time you irrigate.

    Fertilization Requirements

    • Sweet potato vines and begonias are heavy feeders that perform best when fertilized regularly during the growing season. Fertilize your potted plants with a half-strength application of a balanced, water-soluble garden fertilizer every two to three weeks while the plants are actively growing. Mix and apply the fertilizer according to the directions on the product label to ensure that the begonias and sweet potato vines are receiving the appropriate amount of nutrients.