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Common Names for Begonias

All begonia flowers belong to the Begoniaceae plant family, and the family is dominated by various species of begonias. However, one plant species in the Begoniaceae family is not a begonia at all. "Begonia" is used as a common name for all the flowers, no matter their species, and it's also the general name for the entire genus. Gardeners soon discover that different begonia species have various, descriptive names.
  1. Name Origins

    • The begonia family contains more than 1,500 species of flowers. Some begonias grow as shrubs; others are herb-like in nature and still others grow as single flowers. Begonia flowers are identified by their attractive flowers that appear in shades of pink, white, red and yellow, but the leaves of some species are just as interesting for their variegated patterns. Begonias are named after Michel Bégon, a Frenchman who was a great patron of botany during his lifetime.

    Begonia Gardening

    • Look for begonias appropriate for your region. Many begonia species grow in warm, tropical regions, and the flowers will not survive in the cooler areas of the United States. The Begoniaceae grandis, more commonly known as "hardy begonia," may be grown up to USDA hardiness zone 6. Most begonias require well-drained, moist soil to grow properly. Do not plant begonias in full sunlight. Begonias are propagated from stem cuttings and leaf cuttings.

    Begonia Common Names

    • Specific begonia species are identified by their scientific and common names. Use the scientific name to ensure you get what you want. Begonia eiromischa "woolly-stalked begonia" is a rare Malaysian flower that's presumed extinct. A few easier-to-find begonias include the Begonia coccinea "scarlet begonia," Beconia convulvulacea "morning-glory begonia," Begonia cucullata "clubed begonia," Begonia foliosa "fuchsia begonia," Begonia hirtella "Brazilian begonia" and Begonia nelumbiifolia "lilypad begonia."

    Hybrid Begonias

    • Hybrid begonias are created out of two or more different begonia species. The Begonia x hiemlais is more commonly known as the winter flowering begonia, but it may also be commonly known as the Hiemalis begonia or elatior begonia. The Begonia x Tuberhybrida is named Kimjongilia for Korean leader Kim Jong-il. All begonias species have their own unique common names, but they may all be identified properly as begonias.