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Care & Temperature for a Zygopetalum

The Zygopetalum genus of orchid boasts a variety of blooms, colors and shapes, but shares common care requirements and grows best in the same conditions. The adaptability and hardiness of this orchid group makes it a good choice for beginning orchid enthusiasts.
  1. Temperature

    • While other orchids struggle when temperatures dip below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, the varieties in the Zygopetalum group can handle temperatures as low as 28 degrees Fahrenheit, as long as they can warm up during the day, according to the website Beautiful Orchids. Zygopetalum needs variation in temperature of at least 10 degrees between the night and day to grow and bloom properly. Putting the orchid outside during the warm months or in an enclosed outdoor area like a garage helps with this temperature fluctuation. Zygopetalum orchids don't do well in temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Light Requirements

    • Zygopetalum orchids grow best in partial shade and handle indoor plant lighting well if you use a bulb that offers the same spectrum as natural sunlight. For proper blossoming, the plant needs an intensity of light of at least 3,000 foot-candles, says Landscape and Garden. Shady areas under trees or near a brightly lit window work well. If your yard has full sun and no shady spots, use a small shade screen that blocks at least 40 percent of the direct sunlight.


    • During the warm months of the year, when your Zygopetalum orchid does most of its growing, the plant requires heavy weekly watering. The soil should remain moist constantly, but drainage remains important to prevent root damage, according to the website Casa de Las Orquideas. Use a loose, light potting soil that drains quickly. When the plant stops blooming in winter, it requires less water; a week or two between waterings won't hurt the plant.

    Fertilizer and Soil

    • While blooms are rare in the short days and cooler temperatures of winter, the plant continues to grow roots and still needs fertilizer, says Brennan's Orchids. Apply a basic 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to half strength. Monthly feedings of a general orchid fertilizer also keep the plant well fed. Keeping up this practice when the orchid appears dormant in winter encourages larger and healthier blooms during the next flowering cycle.