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Can Hydrangeas Be Grown in Pots?

Hydrangeas are planted in the ground and in pots. They must be properly potted so they grow without disease or other problems. Gardeners need to take climate into consideration when placing hydrangea pots in the yard. This ornamental plant performs best when grown in partial shade in hot regions or in sunny locations with moderate summers.
  1. Benefits of Growing in Pots

    • Hydrangeas stop producing blooms when planted or placed in areas that receive too much shade. One benefit of growing hydrangea in a pot is the ability to move it to partial shade during hot temperatures or sunny parts during moderate summer temperatures. Hydrangeas prefer temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Unlike hydrangeas planted in the ground, gardeners can move their plants indoors when temperatures plummet in the fall.

    Growing Medium

    • Use a sterilized potting medium to prevent your geranium from contracting a soil-borne disease such as southern wilt, which afflicts garden soil. The potting medium should promote drainage. Texas A&M University recommends 2 parts peat moss and 1 part builder's sand or potting mix. Planting hydrangeas in poorly draining potting medium raises the risk of the plant contracting a disease such as phytophthora root rot.

    Hydrangea Types Best for Pots

    • Certain hydrangea types are difficult to grow in pots. The best types are those with compact growing characteristics such as oakleaf hydrangea cultivars. Varieties such as panicle hydrangea may be difficult to keep and move in a pot because of their mature height of up to 15 feet. When purchasing a hydrangea from a nursery, check the label for its mature height and width before planting.


    • Use a pot that has drainage holes at least a half-inch in diameter. Choose a pot that's slightly larger than the root ball of the hydrangea. Fill the pot two-thirds of the way with potting mixture, then create a hole large enough for the root ball. Place the hydrangea inside the hole and add more soil.