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How to Grow Grecian Foxglove

Grecian foxglove (Digitalis lanata) occurs naturally throughout the eastern Mediterranean region but has naturalized extensively around the world. Many gardeners grow the species as an ornamental plant for its tubular, purplish-beige-and-white flowers, which appear along a 1- to 2-foot tall stalk in the summer. Like all species of foxglove, Grecian foxgloves grow readily from seed and rapidly put on leaves. They are biennial plants and do not bloom until their second year of growth.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-inch deep seedling tray
  • Potting soil
  • Plant mister
  • Fine sand
  • Cold frame
  • 4-inch containers
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    • 1

      Harvest seeds from an existing Grecian foxglove plant in the late summer once the capsules dry out and begin opening. Crushing the round, beige capsules inside a plastic bag releases the tiny seeds. Store the seeds until early spring the following year.

    • 2

      Prepare a sprouting container for the Grecian foxglove seeds approximately four weeks before the last heavy frost. Fill a 2-inch deep seedling tray with sterile potting soil. Moisten the soil using a plant mister to settle it.

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      Sprinkle the seeds over the soil's surface. Do not worry too much about spreading the seeds evenly, as they are tiny.

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      Spread a scant layer of fine sand over the Grecian foxglove seeds anchoring them. Patting the sand helps anchor the seeds to the soil. Mist the sand with water.

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      Set the seedling tray inside a cold frame with unobstructed sun exposure or place it on a garden bench against a south-facing wall if a cold frame is not available.

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      Mist the Grecian foxglove seeds whenever the soil feels dry when pressed. Spray the soil with a plant mister until the top half-inch feels moist. Maintain even moisture at all times.

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      Watch for sprouting in two to three weeks. Thin the seedlings to one per square inch once they grow to 1 inch in height.

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      Transplant the Grecian foxglove seedlings into individual 4-inch containers filled with potting soil as soon as they display mature foliage.

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      Placing the individually potted seedlings under half shade for four weeks acclimates them to prevailing climate conditions.

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      Plant the Grecian foxglove plants in a sunny or partially shaded garden bed with rich, slightly acidic soil once acclimated to the climate.