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How to Grow Verbena in Baskets

Many varieties of the flowering plant verbena exist. Texas A&M University calls them all the "queen of summer beauty" because they bloom abundantly all summer, even in areas with high temperatures. Some verbenas are annuals, while others are perennials. Vervain, or Verbena officinalis, is a medicinal plant native to Europe and North Africa. One of the prettiest and most common varieties is "Homestead Purple." It spreads nicely, making it a good candidate for hanging baskets, and its blooming season is among the longest of all the verbenas.

Things You'll Need

  • 14-16 inch hanging wire basket
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Bucket
  • Potting soil
  • Trowel
  • Fertilizer
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      Moisten the moss in a bucket containing water. Remove it after several minutes and squeeze the water out of clumps you can hold in your hand. Begin filling in the wire basket at the bottom by pressing the damp moss through the holes in the basket from the inside. Work your way up and around the basket until it you fill it. Make the moss even throughout the basket, and keep it about 1-1/2 inches thick.

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      Fill your completed moss-filled basket with standard potting soil, keeping the soil about ¾-inch from the top. Water it well, until water seeps through the moss.

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      Dig planting holes with your trowel, making them approximately 3 inches apart. Make them deep and wide enough for the roots of each of your verbena plants.

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      Set one plant into each hole and then scoop more soil around it, patting down gently to secure the plant. Water it again and hang your basket in an area that receives full sun, although verbena will perform well in partial shade, such as under a tree or arbor.

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      Pinch off leggy growth and spent flowers to encourage more flowers and keep your verbena blooming as long as possible.

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      Fertilize your hanging verbena once each month during its summer growing season. Use a balanced liquid plant food and follow product instructions.