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Growth Habits of Stargazer Lilies

Leslie Woodriff, an independent lily grower and breeder, introduced the Stargazer lily in 1978. The large, skyward-facing 6- to 8-inch blooms give Stargazer its name. These Oriental-type lilies add large splashes of deep crimson pink and white to a garden. Stargazer lilies also make eye-catching addition to cut-flower arrangements and wedding bouquets. Grow a few of your own and skip the cost of the florist.
  1. Bulbs

    • Stargazer lilies grow from bulbs that range in size from about 6 to 9 inches. Generally, the larger bulbs produce taller plants with a higher bud count and a higher flower yield. The smaller bulbs are the ideal choice for container gardening. Bulbs must be vernalized or subjected to cold temperatures before planting, by freezing and storing at 28 degrees Fahrenheit or storing for eight weeks at 34 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Thaw frozen bulbs slowly at 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit over one to three days before planting. Vernalization ensures flowering while preventing early germination.


    • Plant Stargazer lily bulbs up to 6 inches deep in the soil, covering the top of each bulb with at least 2 inches of soil. Stargazer lily's favorite soil is slightly acidic with a pH level of 6.0 to 6.5, has good drainage and gets plenty of sunshine. According to the University of Florida extension, the ideal soil is either a mixture consisting of 50 percent sandy loam, 25 percent sphagnum peat and 25 percent sharp sand, or 25 percent sandy loam, 50 percent peat and 25 percent pumice. The bulbs normally are spaced 8 to 12 inches apart, although producers looking for a high yield often will space their bulbs 4 inches apart or less.

    First Growth

    • Roots and shoots initially develop from the bulb. As the stem grows, roots form off the underground portion of the stem. These stem roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil. If the space between the top of the bulb and the surface of the soil is not adequate for the development of these stem roots, the Stargazer lily cannot grow properly and will produce few flowers.

    Mature Plants

    • Although the stems average about 3 feet tall, they can grow up to 6 feet tall, producing six to nine large blooms that measure 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Lance-shaped, deep-green leaves alternate up the sturdy stem. As the stems grow taller, lower leaves may fall off prematurely. The pink and crimson spotted petals are satiny and edged in white or light pink with tips that curl backward, or reflex, away from long stamens with dark orange anthers. The orange pollen stains clothing and skin.