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How to Grow Delphinium Pacific Giant Mixture From Seeds

With its showy spires of bell-shaped flowers, Delphinium remains a perennial favorite for English cottage and woodland-style gardens. Numerous cultivars of delphinium have been developed, including a particularly large and stately cultivar called Pacific Giant. Growing to between 3 and 6 feet in height, the cultivar works well as a backdrop species where it adds dramatic visual interest to beds in early summer with its sky-blue, pink and purple flowers. Like most delphinium cultivars, Pacific Giant grows best from seeds sown directly in the garden since the seedlings to do not transplant well, but they will establish quickly and bloom the first year with regular watering.

Things You'll Need

  • Rotary tiller
  • Compost
  • Garden hose with adjustable nozzle
  • 10-10-10 formula fertilizer
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    • 1

      Choose an appropriate bed for growing "Delphinium" cv. Pacific Giant mixture. Select a bed with full morning and late afternoon sun with light shade during the hottest part of the day. Avoid areas with deep shade or scorching hot sunshine.

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      Till the soil at the planting site to a depth of 6 inches using a rotary tiller. Spread a 3-inch-thick layer of compost over the bed. Work the compost into the bed with the rotary tiller.

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      Moisten the bed before planting the "Delphinium" cv. Pacific Giant seed mixture. Water the bed for three to five minutes using a garden hose with an adjustable nozzle set to shower or soak. Let the bed drain for ten to fifteen minutes before sowing the seeds.

    • 4

      Sow the "Delphinium" cv. Pacific Giant seed mixture in groups of six across the bed. Space the individual seeds 3 inches apart and the groups 1 to 3 feet apart. Plant the seeds 1/4-inch deep.

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      Water the seeds well after sowing. Shower the bed for five minutes to thoroughly saturate the soil. Maintain moisture at a depth of 2 inches during the germination process.

    • 6

      Watch for sprouting in 15 to 20 days. Spread a 1/2-inch-thick layer of compost around the base of the seedlings after they emerge to provide additional nutrients during their early development.

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      Water the Delphinium cv. Pacific Giant seedlings twice a week to a depth of 1 inch for the duration of their growing process. Continue watering periodically after the flowers fade.