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Agapanthus Care in Winter Climates

Agapanthus can be grown outdoors only in USDA hardiness zones 8 and higher, which means it will be damaged when temperatures dip below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. With proper winter care, agapanthus may be grown in cooler climates. Winterizing agapanthus keeps it thriving even in harsh winter temperatures that would otherwise damage buds, leaves and even the roots of the plant itself.

Things You'll Need

  • Straw mulch/leaves
  • Basket
  • Brick/heavy rock
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      Plant agapanthus in a pot and keep it container-grown in climates with frigid winter weather so the plant may be taken indoors in September or October, at the onset of cold weather. Return the pot to the outdoor garden in April or May, when danger of frost has passed.

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      Keep the agapanthus plant in a site where it will receive full, warming sunlight.

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      Place 3 inches of straw mulch or leaves on the soil around agapanthus that is grown outdoors. The mulch will keep the soil warm and insulated.

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      Cover the plant with a basket every evening to provide nighttime cold protection.

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      Place a rock, brick or weight on top of the basket to prevent it from being knocked over by wind or rain.

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      Water agapanthus infrequently during the winter, allowing the soil to dry completely before applying moisture. The dry soil will keep the plant dormant through the cold season.